Find YPN online
Our mission is to engage and connect dedicated young professionals (within Chamber membership) to embrace and accelerate personal and professional growth by offering a sense of belonging within the business community, diverse meaningful connections and leadership opportunities.
Our monthly professional development presentations feature a range of topics. Luncheons are host to networking and volunteer opportunities, community updates and more. You will find ample ways to explore new ground and meet other young professionals from the Bemidji area.
As a member, you will enjoy unique opportunities for advancement both personally and professionally. Suggested age for members is between 21 and 40-something. YPN members are also encouraged to apply to serve on the Leadership Council. Click "Get Involved" for the application.
Sponsor a Luncheon
Chamber members are welcome to showcase their business for $75 while targeting young professionals in a 5-10 minute presentation. Includes up to two lunches. Presentation is at the podium, with the opportunity to incorporate slides, hand-outs, or verbal only. It's up to you!
Volunteer in Bemidji
The Bemidji area has ample opportunities for volunteering. The United Way of Bemidji Area hosts a lists of agencies who are in need of volunteers, along with places for donations, community resources, job opportunities and more.
Top 10 Reasons To Join YPN
1. Align yourself with fellow young professionals (ages 20 to 40+)
2. Contribute to and enrich the business community
3. Hang out with a bunch of good looking, talented and very cool people
4. Advance your professional development through innovative presentations and relevant discussion
5. Impress your boss with what you have learned, including your newly discovered cornhole tossing abilities
6. Participate in luncheons, fundraising events and community projects
7. Namedrop your new connections (if you can't remember their names, refer to Our Members page)
8. Learn and gain access to our community's industry leaders
9. Receive discounts on premier YPN events
10. Officially claim you have a social life just by volunteering to be on the YPN social media committee